sauerkraut? 德國酸白菜

Q: Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from what? 用來做果凍的洋菜是從海草提煉的
A: Seaweed
Q: Bechamel sauce is also known as... 一種料理用的白醬
A: White Sauce 

Q: To blanch a vegetable, means to? 川燙就是用熱水燙一吓然後快速冷卻的意思
A: Boil and Cool off quickly 

Q: Calamari is fried? 卡拉瑪哩(炸烏賊圈:一種美式開胃菜)是烏賊做的
A: Squid 

Q: What is a Calzone? 義大利餡餅(類似韭菜盒子)是一種包著披薩餡料的食物
A: A turnover made of pizza dough 

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find Calzone? 義大利人開的餐廳你會找到義大利餡餅
A: Italian 

Q: Caviar is made from? 魚子醬是魚的蛋
A: Fish Egg 

Q: What kind of pizza is chicago style? 芝加哥披薩的特色是盛裝在鐵製平底鍋
A: Deep dish 

Q: Chilli is a? 辣椒是一種水果
A: Fruit 

Q: Which of these chillies is the spiciest? 紅心小辣椒是史上最辣的辣椒
A: Naga jolokia pepper 

 <-------- 洨英的 OiO <--------

Q: What is chinese gooseberry called in ancient time? 彌喉桃別名奇異果
A: Kiwi 

Q: What is chocolate bloom? 巧克力是可可亞跟糖合成的
A: Cocoa fat or sugar 

Q: The chuck is found where on the cow? 牛肩肉在牛的前方部位
A: Front 

Q: Which continent produces the most cocoa? 可可亞盛產在非洲
A: Africa 

Q: What is coconut? 椰子是水果
A: Fruit 

Q: A crepe is typical a ...? 可麗餅是一種勃勃的鍋餅
A: Thinly cooked pancake 

Q: Dim sum originated from which country? 點心是中國的傳統食物
A: China 

Q: Dulce de leche is prepared by heating...? 不理解 
A: Sweetened Milk 

Q: Which sauce used in Egg Benedicts? 滿福堡中間的醬稱為荷蘭醬
A: Hollandaise sauce 

Q: Where did Feta Cheese come from? 菲達起士源自希臘
A: Greece 

Q: The flank is found where on the cow? 腹部指的是牛的中間部位
A: Mid 

Q: Foie gras is food made from which part of an animal? 鵝肝醬是鵝的
A: Liver 

Q: In England, French Fries are called? 英國的薯條叫去撲死
A: Chips 

Q: To garnish a food means? 餐盤上的小青菜或是飲料上的小櫻桃都是一種小裝飾品
A: Add final touches 

Q: Granny smith apples are? 青蘋果是綠色
A: Green 

Q: Grapes grow on? 葡萄長在
A: Vines 

Q: The main ingredient in Guacamole is? 酪梨沙拉醬主要的材料是酪梨
A: Avocado 

Q: Where is the hamburger originaly from? 漢堡從美國來的
A: United states 

Q: What is Hashi? 嗨西(發音)就是筷子
A: Chopsticks 

Q: Honey comes from? 蜂蜜是蜜蜂採的
A: Bees 

Q: What is the main ingredient in Hummus? 何墨司(發音)主要的材料是一種豆子
A: Chickpeas 

Q: Kimchi is a Korean dish made of fermented? 泡菜是一種蔬菜
A: Vegetables 

Q: What is Ketchup made of? 番茄醬是番茄做的
A: Tomatoes 

Q: Lard is the fat obtained from which animal?  豬油是從身上取得的.......ˋˊ+
A: Pig 

Q: Naan Bread is served with... ? 喃(一種圓形麵餅)是印度的食物
A: Indian Food
Q: Natto, a traditional Japanese food, is made from fermented? 訥豆是大豆做的
A: Soybeans 

Q: New-York Style Pizzas are generally? 紐約風的批薩是薄脆口味
A: Thin crust 

Q: The pizza originates from which country? 批薩發源自義大利
A: Italy 

Q: To poach something means? 波噓是隔水加熱的意思
A: To cook in boiling water 

Q: To Proof dough means to.. 不理解 
A: Allow it to rise 

Q: Prunes are dried...? 梅子曬乾就是梅乾
A: Plums 

Q: Raisins are dried...? 葡萄乾是葡萄做的
A: Grapes 

Q: Ratatouille is? 料理鼠王片尾的王牌菜, 這是一道素食料理
A: A vegetarian dish 

Q: The main ingredient of Ratatouille is? 燉燜蔬菜主要素材是番茄
A: Tomatoes
Q: To refresh vegetables is....? 不理解
A: To immerse in COLD water
Q: What is the color of Rhubarb? 大黃根(作瀉劑用) 一種紅色的植物
A: Red
Q: The rump is found where on the cow?  牛後背靠近屁股的地方
A: Back 

Q: What is Saffron? 番紅花是一種香料
A: Spice 

Q: Sauerkraut is made from? 德國泡菜是一種發酵的白菜  
A: Fermented Cabbage 

Q: To saute a dish, means to? 搜爹就是熱炒的意思
A: Fry quickly in hot pan 

Q: The sirloin is found where on the cow? 沙朗是牛的中間部位的肉名
A: Mid 

Q: What is the most expensive spice in the world? 番紅花是世界最貴的香料 
A: Saffron
Q: Which of the following spices is the most expensive? 天然香草是最貴的香料 
A: Pure Vanilla 

Q: Steak tartare is a meat dish made from raw? 韃靼牛排是一種牛肉料理
A: Beef
Q: What is Stracchino? 西西里羊奶酪是一種義大利起士
A: a fresh cheese from Italy
Q: In which restaurant would you typically find sushi? 壽司是日本餐廳的食物
A: Japanese
Q: Where does taco orignate from? 塔扣(類似多利多吱) 是墨西哥食物
A: Mexico
Q: In which restaurant would you typically find tacos? 墨西哥人開的餐廳你一定能找到塔扣
A: Mexican
Q: In which restaurant would you typically find Tapas? 他爸死是西班牙小菜(像韓國小菜那樣)
A: Spanish
Q: Tofu is made of .... ? 豆腐是大豆做的
A: Soybean 

Q: A tomato is a? 番茄是水果
A: Fruit 

Q: What color is Tuna meat? 鮪魚是粉紅色
A: Pink
Q: Where is Tuna from? 鮪魚是鹹水魚
A: Salt Water
Q: The main ingredients in Tzatziki are? 希臘菜名是一道優格根小黃瓜拌成的醬
A: Yoghurt and Cucumber

Q: Venison is the meat from what animal? 鹿肉是鹿身上的肉
A: Deer 

Q: What is the main ingredient of wasabi? 哇殺咪一種植物的辣根
A: Horseradish

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    Cafe de Lynda & William

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